Monday, October 24, 2011

DAB-The Bible in a Year

Have you ever attempted to read through the Bible in a year, or two, only to bog down in Leviticus, Numbers or Deuteronomy?  I have.  I've tried several methods and reading plans but still had not managed to read through the entire Bible.  I didn't have a time goal in mind, I just wanted to read every word.

The answer for me came in the form of the Daily Audio Bible (DAB).  This simple, yet powerful, podcast is a single voice reading a "meal-sized" portion of the Bible each day (as opposed to just a snack).  Uniquely, a different translation of the Bible is used each week.  This keeps The Word fresh for me and allows verses I know by heart to reveal new truths when I hear them from a translation I am not familiar with.

Amazingly, this podcast has grown so popular it is now broadcast in multiple languages and a world-wide community of Believers has formed.  I find it so powerful and hopeful to be reminded of brothers and sisters living all across the globe.

I primarily listen to the DAB on my iphone with their user-friendly app.  However, the website is touted as the main place to get connected.  I urge you to check it out and give the DAB a try for a week or so.  Don't worry about what time of year it is. Just jump in on the date you discovered it and get a dose of God's word.  Or if you aren't ready for the full podcast, there is Daily Audio Proverb, which is a great way to get started.

1 comment:

  1. I drifted away from the DAB but you've motivated me to return! Thanks for the reminder/inspiration!


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