Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blogging Challenge: Making the Commitment

Writing is hard work. Even though I really enjoy writing, it is sometimes excruciating to get the words into print.  But he habit of daily writing is valuable and often cathartic, at least to me. Blogging has become very popular in the past decade and I've had a desire to blog for years, but my posts have been very few and far between.

Recently, I was challenged by Nan at Blog's University and Katie Girl, of Chicks Down South, to complete the One-Year Blog Challenge. The challenge was issued over a lunch meeting for those who live in the local area of Jacksonville, FL.  However, there are a few participating long-distance from other states.  Nan, The Blog Professor, has begun a series of blog entries to help new blogger's get started and I am learning much from her instruction.

This challenge is exciting because it will offer some team motivation to get me writing.  Personally, the habit of writing regularly and consistently will be my first step in this challenge.  I'm not sure I can commit to once a day, but that is what I will aim for by the end of the year.  For now, I will attempt three posts per week and try to increase that each month or two.

Commitment:  Making a plan and putting it into action.

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