October 28, 2008
Lately I’ve been feeling like Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus time had come. His Father’s will was to be accomplished. Even though this was unfathomable to Peter, it had to happen. But Peter drew his sword and cut off Malchus’ right ear (John 18:10). Have I too been drawing my sword unnecessarily?
All the political hype surrounding this election has caused me to say some careless things and forward emails that don’t project a loving heart. Is that the best way to approach the Obama fans? Maybe not. Maybe I have been cutting off their “right ear” and preventing them from hearing some truth.
Remember what took place before the mob came to claim Jesus? He prayed. And what did he ask his disciples to do? Wait and pray. Instead, they fell asleep. I don’t want to sleep. I want to wake up and pray that, “Thy will be done.”
God is in control and will remain in control no matter who wins this election. Who am I to draw the sword on those who are against him? Jesus reached out and healed the man’s ear. (Luke 22:51) My husband told me I probably just “thumped” a few ears, not really cut them off (smile) and some ears may indeed need to be thumped. But may God open any ears that I have closed so that they may hear the Truth.
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