Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nighttime Needs

Why is it that my children suddenly want to talk about deep things when it is time to go to sleep? All day I am available and even ask about certain topics and I am usually given a shrug or some other form of "I dunno". But let the clock strike 9pm and suddenly the deep thoughts of the last few days, or even a few years ago, are urgently needing attention.

This is especially true of my 11 year old. I know in a few years he may decide not to speak to me about such things so I am praying the Lord will keep me alert so I don't miss these magical moments. Hopefully, if I lay the foundation for such talks now, it will be easier to communicate in the teenage years.

I wonder if I were to say, "brush your teeth and get ready for bed" at noon if that would suddenly make them open up. Hmmm....

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