Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Phony Christians

Yesterday the children and I went to a classical guitar concert. It was held in a church and there were two teenagers sitting in the pew behind us. I couldn't help but overhear some of the conversation between the two boys. One phrase that particularly caught my attention was, "I'd take a hippie over a phony Christian any day."

I didn't hear enough to know what his interpretation of a hippie was and I don't know what he has encountered to label someone a "phony Christian". However, this phrase stuck with me the rest of the day. What makes a Christian phony?

Perhaps he has been treated poorly by a professing Christ follower. Perhaps this young man witnessed a Christian engaging in some behavior that was not Christ-like. This will happen. Maybe this teenager feels that being a Christian means you will never do anything wrong.

As a Christian I do not claim to be perfect; far from it. In order to accept Christ I had to come to the realization that I am a sinner and completely lost with out Jesus. I am still a sinner and everyday I have to go to my creator and ask forgiveness for my sins of commision and ommision. Each day, God renews me with mercy and grace. His Spirit is in me and I feel Him changing me from the inside.

As I write this, the Holy Spirit is convicting me of not turning around in the pew and starting a conversation with these boys. I missed an opportunity to share Christ with them. O, Lord, forgive me and please offer me another opportunity.

What a perfect example of the work the Spirit does in me. May I never be accused of being a phony Christian.

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