Every month I experience several days of discombobulation. I call it this because it is a “funk” that is hard to describe. These days can include, but are not limited to, depression, anger, decreased mental clarity and a strong desire to just be alone. I’ve prayed about it, taken medications, tried herbal remedies, quit caffeine, and many other things to try and combat these days. Some things help, some don’t and I end up blaming it on hormones that I just can’t control.
Last month as I was experiencing my “funk”, I talked to God again and felt that I had been given a revelation. Maybe this time is set aside each month for me to refocus on my Lord. Instead of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, which has a negative connotation, I prefer to think of it as a time to
Primarily Meditate on my Savior.
The way I see it, I know when this time is coming so I should not schedule anything too stressful during this time, instead plan on a kind of Sabbath rest. A rest in that I can refocus any stray areas from the previous three weeks that aren’t in line with His priorities for my life, concentrate on praying for the coming weeks and increase my time in the Word. In short, just be with Him instead of trying to accomplish something.
In Old Testament times, the women were set aside during that time of the month. Maybe there is a reason for that. Logistically, I can't very well disappear for 1 week every month; but I can remember that this time is cyclical and prepare for it accordingly. Besides, it is usually followed by three weeks of JOY! :-)
My PMS time is coming up soon, I’m going to try it God’s way this month and see how it goes.
Beautifully put. From now on, I am looking forward to "PMS." Thank you for your timely post!