Sunday, May 10, 2009

Refused Blessings

A few weeks ago, our homeschool group put on an Easter party at a local homeless shelter. The party was advertised well in advance at the shelter so that the residents could bring their children to hear the Easter story, sing songs, make crafts and have an egg hunt. Imagine the disappointment we felt when only three, of the thirty or so expected, actually showed up. We were trying to bless these children and for whatever reason, the mothers chose not to participate. They chose not to accept the blessing.

It was this memory that God brought to my mind yesterday when I was offered a very generous blessing from a friend. Because of pride and the worldly habit of not allowing others to know that you need help, I almost refused one of God's blessings.

The most common way God would bless someone would be through His body of believers, right? So why is it that so often when someone offers to help us, we say, "I can't let you do that" or "No, we're fine". Isn't that essentially telling God that we don't need His blessings?

The offer my friend made is a huge blessing that has the potential to impact our family in amazing ways. I almost refused the blessing. How many other blessings have I refused in the past? How many times have I disappointed someone who was trying to bless me because my pride got in the way?

May God richly bless the ones who He used to bless me and I pray I will recognize future blessings with thankfulness for my Father's provision.

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