Tuesday, February 24, 2015

From the hospital

After several hours of abdominal pain, I woke my husband at 2 AM yesterday morning to escort me to the emergency room. The pain began in the right lower quadrant of my abdomen.  Having worked in the medical field and knowing my anatomy, I knew that my appendix was located in this area but I was in denial. Once the pain became so severe it was affecting my whole abdomen and radiating into my back, I knew I needed medical attention.  By 8am, I was in the operating room having an emergency appendectomy.   

Thanks to my iPhone, I've been able to stay in touch with my loved ones and take care of some 'business' and it sure helps pass the time.  While I wait for the discharge orders to be completed, I thought I would pass some time by blogging a few photos of my hospital stay.  

Apparently, they thought I might fall. 

Yummy! Clear liquid diet for the duration of my two-day stay. The best gelatin ever!

It's good to have a mirror handy, because  I'm very concerned about my appearance after surgery. (Insert sarcastic chuckle)


My sweet family brought a balloon. 

What not to wear, at least not outside of the hospital. 

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